PUNCH Flybrid Project

PUNCH Flybrid Project

We are delighted to announce the addition of several PUNCH Flybrid machines into the Falcon Power Generation fleet.

The PUNCH Flybrid system uses flywheel technology to ‘boost’ the power of the diesel generator to cover the peaks required for tower crane operation. In applications with dynamic duty cycles, generator sets are sized for the dynamic load response. For example, the start-up current of machinery such as tower cranes, far exceed the standard running current. Without a PUNCH Flybrid system, a larger generator would be required to cover the start-up current. Whilst this is required initially, the generator would then be used at a much lower capacity during normal operation, which can be costly for the client in both monetary and emissions terms.

Using a smaller generator alongside a PUNCH Flybrid system, reduces the generator size required on site, reduces the fuel in which the generator consumes, and more than halves the CO2 emissions produced. Given the removal of rebated fuel (red diesel) in April 2022 and the increased fuel costs experienced over the past few months, the notion of supplying a PUNCH Flybrid systems is at worst, cost neutral, while saving many tonnes of harmful emissions. However, depending on the power demand of the application, it can save the client a significant amount of money as well as CO2 emissions (estimated between 50%/60%).

Isle of Grain

Three of our Jaso J300 tower cranes, working at the Isle of Grain gas terminal in Kent. The tallest crane is freestanding 81m on 2m tower.

George Coppin - 25 Years Service

George Coppin - 25 Years Service

Thank you for being such a valuable member of our team!

George Coppin has completed 25 years service with Falcon Tower Crane Services Ltd as a tower crane operator. George visited our head office to be presented his plaque by our managing director Andy Brown and operator manager Ben Green. Loyal and dedicated employees like George are the foundation to any successful company. We sincerely appreciate his hard work and efforts year after year.

Congratulations on your anniversary !

Launch of the Jaso J198HPA

Two stunning pictures of our Jaso J198HPA hydraulic luffing jib tower cranes in Manchester. The J198HPA is the largest hydraulic luffing jib tower crane in the world with a maximum capacity of 18t.

With 7 models now in the UK to rent or purchase, please contact 01362 821048 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Red Diesel Rebate

Red Diesel Rebate

Less than two weeks to go until rebated diesel (red diesel) can no longer be used within the construction industry. From the 1st April the rules are changing, and rebated fuels will no longer be able to be used as they are currently.

For more information on this change, and how it will affect you, please contact 01362 821048 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.